LIC New Jeevan Nidhi

LIC New Jeevan Nidhi Plan full details

LIC New Jeevan Nidhi Plan (LIC table no 818) is a Pension Policy provide Risk Cover with saving.New jeevan nidhi provide Risk Cover on Death and Pension as Maturity Benefits..

LIC New Jeevan Nidhi Plan Benefits

Death During five Years of Policy -in case of death during first five years ,nominee will get Sum Assured + Guaranteed addition.

LIC New Jeevan Nidhi 818
LIC New Jeevan Nidhi 818

Death During after five Years of Policy -in case of death after five years ,Basic Sum Assured+ Guaranteed Addition +Simple Reversionary Bonus and Final Additional Bonus will be paid to the Nominee.

Vesting Benefit – You have three options at the time of vesting
you can withdraw one third amount and purchase annuity of rest amount
you can purchase annuity for all amount
or you can purchase a Single Premium Deferred Annuity Plan

Rider Benefits There are two Rider Benefits with this Policy

  • Accidental Death Rider
  • Disability Benefit Rider

Guaranteed Additions LIC plan 818 is Provide Guaranteed Additions at 45 rs. Per thousand in Five Years.

Participations in Profits New Jeevan Nidhi Participate in Corporation Profits from 6th year onward.

Income Tax Benefit – Income Tax Benefits available on Paid Premium under Section 80-CCC & 1/3rd of Maturity Benefit will also be tax free under section 10(10A)but Pension will be taxable.


  • Age : Min. Age will be 20 Years ,maximum entry age will be 60 years(in case of single premium) and 58 years in case of Regular Premium.
  • Policy Term: 5 to 35 years (in case of Single Premium) or 7 to 35 years (in regular Premium).
  • Min. Vesting Age : 55 years
  • Max. Vesting Age : 65 years.
  • Min. Sum Assured : 1,00,000 in case of Regular Policy and 1,50,000 in case of Single Premium Policies.

Premium Mode in LIC New Jeevan Nidhi – Premium mode will be Monthly, Quarterly, Half- yearly and Yearly.

Also read this: LIC New Pension Plan

Additional LIC New Jeevan Nidhi 818 Pension Plan Details

Risk Coverage: – Till end of Term of the Policy.

Date of Commencement of Risk:–day one.

Locking period: – 3 years.

Loan Facility: – No.

Income Tax Reduction:  Available under Section 80C for premiums paid and Section 10 (10D) for Maturity returns.

Loan:  Available.

Riders available:  Yes.

Policy Revival: Policy can be revived before 2 years from date of First Unpaid Premium .

Suicide Clause: if insured commit suicide before 1 year he will be returned back 80% of premium what he paid.

Proposal Forms: Proposal Form no. 300 will be used under this plan.

Cooling-off Period: If a policyholder is not satisfied with the policy, client may return the policy within 15 days from the date of receipt of the policy.

Back-dating interest: The policies can be dated back within the same financial year.

Assignments/Nominations: Assignment and Nominations is possible under this plan.

Services that I offer

  • New LIC Policy Quotes and Completion
  • Complete guidance
  • Doorstep Premium Collection Service
  • Personalized Policy Recommendations
  • Renewal / Revival of Lapsed Policies
  • Human Life Value Calculation





Office Address:-25,KG,Marg,Jeevan Prakash Building.

LIC of India,Branch Unit-117.

3rd floor,C.P. New Delhi-110001.