LIC Jeevan Utsav Plan 871

LIC Jeevan Utsav Plan 871 pension policy

LIC Jeevan Utsav Plan 871, Benefits, Features, parameter and Review

Introducing LIC of India new plan launched on 29th. November 2023 which name is LIC Jeevan Utsav Plan 871 (LIC Table no. 871) is a combination of insurance, savings and pension.

LIC Jeevan Utsav insurance plan 871 will provide assured returns and after maturity, the policyholder will get 10 percent of the sum assured for life long.

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LIC Jeevan Utsav Plan 871 pension policy

LIC’s Jeevan Utsav Plan 871 is a Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Individual, Savings, Whole Life
plan. It is a Limited Premium plan with Guaranteed Additions throughout Premium
Paying Term. LIC Jeevan Utsav policy 871 provides financial protection to the family of the deceased policyholder any time before maturity.

The main benefit of this plan is it has the limited premium payment option. Premium paying term is 5 years to 16 years for whole life policy terms. The unique Identification of ‘Jeevan Utsav Plan 871‘ is 512N363V01.

Key Features

  • Guaranteed Income for Lifetime starting from age 18 till 100 years.
  • Option to choose regular income benefit or flexi income benefit.
  • All the benefits will be guaranteed at the time of inception of the policy.
  • Guaranteed Additions at the rate of Rs. 40 per thousand sum assured till the premium paying term.
  • Option to defer and accumulate the income at an attractive investment rate of Rs 5.5% per yearly and compounding annually
  • You can change type of income benefit six months before the payment of benefit
  • Option of premium payment term from 5 years to 16 years onl
  • Policy can be taken for 90 days child to 65 years older person.

Multiple rider options are available.

  • LIC’s Accident Benefit Rider (UIN: 512B203V03)
  • LIC’s Accidental Death and Disability Benefit Rider (UIN: 512B209V02)
  • LIC’s New Term Assurance Rider (UIN: 512B210V01)
  • LIC’s New Critical Illness Benefit Rider (UIN: 512A212V01)
  • LIC’s Premium Waiver Benefit Rider (UIN: 512B204V03)

LIC Jeevan Utsav Plan 871 Parameter

Minimum Age at Entry 90 Days (Completed)
Maximum Age at Entry 65 Years
Maximum premium ceasing age 75 Years
Premium Paying Mode Yearly, half-yearly, quarterly, and monthly (through NACH only) or (SSS)
Policy Term 100 years – Current age
Premium Payment Term 5 years to 16 years
Basic Sum Assured 5,00,000 and above
(in multiple of 25,000 and 1,00,000)
Loan After 2 years
Surrender After 2 years of premium payment
LIC Jeevan Utsav Policy 871 Parameter

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The following rebates/loadings shall be applicable:

(1) High Sum Assured Rebate

(1) Premium Payment Mode Rebate

Rebate means discount on premium. Two rebates in this policy one is Mode Rebate and another is Sum Assured Rebate.

Mode Rebate: Rebate given based on premium payment mode chosen.

Premium Payment Mode Loading as a % of Tabular annual premium
Yearly Mode Nil
Half yearly Mode 1.75%
Quarterly 2.50%
Monthly 3.25%

High Basic Sum Assured Rebate: High Sum assured Rebate Based on Sum assured means Policy Value.

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The rebate for high Basic Sum Assured (BSA) as a % of Tabular Annual Premium is as under:

Rebate on tabular premium per Rs 1000 Basic Sum Assured
Paying Term
Basic Sum Assured (in Rs)
10,00,000 to 24,00,000 25,00,000 to 49,00,000 50,00,000 and above
5 2.5 4.5 5.75
6 2.3 4.25 5.5
7 2.2 4 5.25
8 2.1 3.75 5
9 2 3.6 4.75
10 1.9 3.5 4.5
11 1.8 3.4 4.25
12 1.7 3.3 4
13 1.6 3.2 3.75
14 1.5 3.1 3.5
15 1.4 3 3.25
16 1.3 2.9 3


Maturity Benefits

LIC Jeevan Utsav Plan 871 Maturity Benefit = Maturity Benefit is not available under this plan.

Death Benefits

LIC Jeevan Utsav Plan 871 Death Benefit = On death of the Life Assured after the date of commencement of risk, Death Benefit equal to “Sum Assured on Death” along with accrued Guaranteed Additions shall be payable, provided the policy is in-force.

    • This Death Benefit shall not be less than 105% of total premiums paid up to the date of death.

    • “Sum Assured on Death” is defined as higher of ‘Basic Sum Assured’ or ‘7 times of Annualized Premium’.

1. “Annualized Premium” shall be the premium amount payable in a year chosen by the policyholder, excluding the taxes, rider premiums, underwriting extra premiums, loadings for modal premiums, High Sum Assured Rebate and Rebate for CIS/ Online sale, if any.

2. “Total Premiums Paid” means total of all the premiums received, excluding any extra premium, any rider premium and taxes. However, in case of minor Life Assured, whose age at entry is below 8 years on death before the commencement of Risk the death benefit shall be refund of premium(s) paid (excluding taxes, any extra premium, rider premium(s), if any), without interest.

Survival Benefit in form of Regular Income Benefit or Flexi Income Benefit as per the
option chosen shall be as under:

    • Option I – Regular Income Benefit:

On survival of Life Assured, Regular Income Benefit equal to 10% of Basic Sum
shall be payable at the end of each policy year starting from the year as provided all due premium have been paid.

    • Option II – Flexi Income Benefit:

On survival of policy holder (Life Assured), the policyholder shall be eligible for Flexi Income Benefit equal to 10% of Basic Sum Assured at the end of each policy year starting from the year as specified rate, provided all due premium have been paid. Policyholder shall have the flexibility to defer and accumulate such Flexi Income Benefits.

The Corporation shall pay interest on the deferred and accumulated Flexi Income
Benefits at the rate of 5.5% p.a. compounding yearly
for completed months from its due date till the date of withdrawal or surrender or death, whichever is earlier. Fraction of months will be ignored for the purpose of calculation of interest.

Policyholder on written request can withdraw once in a policy year, a maximum of 75% of balance accumulated Flexi Income Benefit(s) including interest, if any, which has not already been withdrawn and the net amount after withdrawal will continue to accumulate as mentioned above.

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The accumulated Flexi Income Benefit(s) due and not withdrawn along with interest (if any) shall be payable on death or surrender, whichever is earlier.

Table 1
Premium Paying Term Regular Income Benefit / Flexi Income Benefit Start Year
5 years 11th policy year
6 years 11th policy year
7 years 11th policy year
8 years 11th policy year
9 years 12th policy year
10 years 13th policy year
11 years 14th policy year
12 years 15th policy year
13 years 16th policy year
14 years 17th policy year
15 years 18th policy year
16 years 19th policy year

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Under an inforce policy, the Guaranteed Additions shall accrue at the rate of Rs. 40 per thousand Basic Sum Assured at the end of each policy year during the Premium Paying Term. There shall be no further accrual of Guaranteed Additions after Premium Paying Term. In case the premiums are not duly paid, the Guaranteed Additions shall cease to accrue under a policy.

Under an inforce policy on death of Life Assured during the Premium Paying Term, the Guaranteed Addition in the year of death shall be payable for full policy year. In case of surrender of an inforce policy during the Premium Paying Term, the Guaranteed Additions for the policy year in which the policy is surrendered will be added on proportionate basis in proportion to the completed months for the Policy Year in which policy is surrendered.

LIC Jeevan Utsav Plan 871 Surrender, Loan and Paid-up value.

LIC Jeevan Utsav Plan 871 Surrender, Loan and Paid-up value details is given below.

Surrender period : Policy can be surrender after 2 years at least 2 full years payment of premiums.

Loan Facility : Loan facility is available under LIC Jeevan Utsav plan 871, after at least 2 full years of premium paid.

Paid-up value : Once a LIC Jeevan Utsav Plan 871 policy has completed minimum 2 full years and more premiums paid, and policyholder chooses to stop paying further premiums, it automatically becomes eligible for paid-up value.

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Paid-up value = Sum Assured * Total number of premiums paid/Total number of premiums to be paid

LIC Jeevan Utsav Plan 871 with an example

An example of Mr. Sohan who is purchasing “LIC jeevan Utsav plan 871 buy online” with following details.

Sum Assured (Rs.) 10,00,000
Age (Years) 25
Policy Term (Years) 75 years (100 – current age)
Premium Paying Term 12
Deferment period 3 years
Purchase Year 2023
Yearly Premium 1st. yrs 92,796/- 2nd yrs. 90,798/- onward

As per above example, policy holder needs to pay the premium of Rs. 92,796/- 1st. year and Rs. 90,798/- 2nd year onward every year for 12 years (Premium Paying Term) and after completion of 15 years (Policy Term with 3 years differed period).

(income benefits & Year-wise death claims) related details for this plan is given below.

Age Regular Income Benefit Flexi Income Benefit Accured Interest @ 5.5% in flexi income benefit Cumulative flexi income benefit
38 1,00,000
39 1,00,000 1,00,000 5,500 1,05,500
40 1,00,000 2,00,000 11,303 2,16,803
41 1,00,000 3,00,000 17,424 3,34,227
42 1,00,000 4,00,000 23,882 4,58,109
43 1,00,000 5,00,000 30,696 5,88,805
44 1,00,000 6,00,000 37,884 7,26,689
45 1,00,000 7,00,000 45,468 8,72,157
46 1,00,000 8,00,000 53,469 10,25,626
47 1,00,000 9,00,000 61,909 11,87,535
48 1,00,000 10,00,000 70,814 13,58,350
49 1,00,000 11,00,000 80,209 15,38,559
50 1,00,000 12,00,000 90,121 17,28,680
51 1,00,000 13,00,000 1,00,577 19,29,257
52 1,00,000 14,00,000 1,11,609 21,40,866
53 1,00,000 15,00,000 1,23,248 23,64,114
54 1,00,000 16,00,000 1,35,526 25,99,640
55 1,00,000 17,00,000 1,48,480 28,48,120
56 1,00,000 18,00,000 1,62,147 31,10,267
57 1,00,000 19,00,000 1,76,565 33,86,832
58 1,00,000 20,00,000 1,91,776 36,78,608
59 1,00,000 21,00,000 2,07,823 39,86,431
60 1,00,000 22,00,000 2,24,754 43,11,185
61 1,00,000 23,00,000 59,278 12,37,079
62 1,00,000 24,00,000 1,27,319 14,05,118
63 1,00,000 25,00,000 2,04,600 15,82,399
The fund accumulates continue till the Age of 100 Years.

If Mr. Sohan want to close/cancel/withdraw of this policy at the age 60 years than he will receive Rs. 12,48,112/- after surrender the policy.

Suppose if, unfortunate death of policy holder happens at age 62, then by that time total premium paid will be Rs. 5,95,505/- and nominee will get death claim as Rs. 15,74,310/- in case of normal death or Rs. 25,74,310/- as accidental death claim in case of death due to accident and policy will be stop.

Additional information

Revival : Policy should be revived before 5 years from last unpaid premiums.

Riders availablity : LIC’s Accidental Death and Disability Benefit Rider LIC’s Accident Benefit Rider LIC’s New Term Assurance Rider LIC’s New Critical Illness Benefit Rider and LIC’s Premium Waiver Benefit Rider

Suicide Clause : If Policy Holder Committed Suicide within 12 month from date of taking the policy 80% of paid premium will be returned back. If committed suicide after 1 year. Full Sum assured + Bonus will be paid by LIC to their nominee.

Surrender: Jeevan Utsav can be surrendered during the policy term if the entire first two years of premium are paid.

Loan: A loan facility is available after paying the entire first two years of premiums in Jeevan Utsav. The maximum loan permissible as a percentage of surrender value under both options will be as follows: For in-force policies- upto 75%; for paid-up policies- upto 50%

Nomination: Nomination by the holder of the Jeevan Utsav policy on his/her own life is required as per Section 39 of the Insurance Act, 1938, as amended from time to time.

Assignment: An assignment is allowed under the plan as per Section 38 of the Insurance Act, 1938, as amended from time to time.

Free Look Period: If a Policyholder is not satisfied with the “Terms and Conditions” of the Jeevan Utsav policy, he/she may return the policy to the LIC of India, stating the reasons for objections, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the electronic or physical mode of the Policy Document, whichever is earlier.

Backdating of the policy: The LIC Jeevan Utsav 871 can be dated back within the same financial year but not before the Date of Introduction of this Plan.

Proposal Form : Form No. 300 and 340.

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